Thursday, April 12, 2012

Time for Spring Cleaning! Make Your Own Natural Cleaning Products

Why? Because it’s safer, faster, better and cheaper than using store bought cleaning products!

It’s no surprise that many of the toxic substances in your home reside in cleaning products that are usually kept in linen closets and below the kitchen sink.   First of all, if you have a baby or small kids, make sure you move cleaning products out of places where they are easily accessible by little ones.  Better yet, toss out store-bought cleaning products and make your own! You may ask yourself, why would I do that when I can just buy my cleaning products at the store? My answer is that it’s actually easier and cheaper to make your own cleaning products, because the ingredients you need are probably already in your cupboards!  Also, making your own cleaning products from natural ingredients is safer for you and your loved ones.  Since my 6-month old daughter, Addison, is starting to move around on the floor a lot and put everything she gets her hands on in her mouth, I find I am constantly cleaning our house.  Since Addison is learning about things by putting them in her mouth, I do the best I can to make sure I’m not using toxic cleaning products. 

To make your own natural cleaning products, you really only need 7 ingredients
1.)  Baking soda (cleans and deodorizes)
2.)  Unscented Soap (in liquid or bar form)
3.)  Freshly-squeezed lemon juice (kills bacteria)
4.)  White Vinegar (cuts through grease and removes mildew and odors)
5.)  Rubbing Alcohol or high-proof clear grain alcohol, like vodka (disinfects)
6.)  Olive oil (moisturizes)
7.)  Essential Oil (such as tea tree oil) if you want a natural perfume for your cleaning product

Save money and help protect the environment by using sponges and old t-shirts as rags to clean, instead of paper towels.

Homemade Natural All-Purpose Cleaner
What you need:
1 cup water
½ cup White Vinegar
10 drops essential oil (optional)

What you do:
Mix the ingredients together in a spray bottle (I re-use spray bottles from previously bought cleaning products).

Best Uses:
In the Kitchen: Counter tops, stove top, inside and outside of microwave, appliances, floor
In the Bathroom: toilet, sink, shower, bathtub, floor

Don’t worry about your house smelling like salad dressing because you are cleaning with vinegar. Once the vinegar solution dries, the smell goes away.

Homemade Natural Glass and Window Cleaner
What you need:
1 cup rubbing alcohol or high-proof clear grain alcohol (like vodka)
¼ cup white vinegar
¼ tsp unscented liquid soap

What you do:
Combine alcohol and vinegar in a gallon bucket. Add enough water to make ½ gallon, and then add soap.  Mix together and pour contents into a spray bottle.  Pour remaining mixture into a tightly sealed container and label and store for future use.

Furniture and Wood Polish
What you need:
1 cup olive oil
½ cup lemon juice

What you do:
Put olive oil and lemon juice in a container with a lid and shake well to combine.  Apply to furniture or wood with a clean rag. Let sit for a few minutes, and then wipe with another clean rag. Your furniture will be shiny and smell lovely in no time!

Cleaning with Baking Soda
Believe it or not, baking soda (yes, the same white powder you use when making cupcakes and cookies) is a great natural cleaner! It’s mild abrasiveness and natural deodorizing agents make it a great replacement for harsh commercial cleaning products.   
Here are a few easy ways that you can rid your house of grime with this miracle substance!

·      Clean grimy bathroom build-up by simply adding baking soda to a clean wet sponge or cloth and scrub away.
·      Keep bathroom drains from clogging by pouring ½-3/4 cup baking soda into drain and follow with just enough hot water to wash the baking soda down the drain.  Let the baking soda work its magic in your drain for at least two hours (or overnight), and then flush the drain with hot water.  Note: this method of cleaning with baking soda does not free up clogged drains, its best used to routinely keep drains clear.
·      Add baking soda to a clean wet sponge to scrub food particles or grime out of kitchen sinks.

For more great natural cleaning product recipes, visit:,


  1. This post was so helpful! Very informative and simple ideas. No more expensive Target trips for me.
